Forums - I need some anti-Sentinal Tactics please Show all 13 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- I need some anti-Sentinal Tactics please ( Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 12:27:2001 11:07 PM: I need some anti-Sentinal Tactics please Iam having a lot of trouble against sentinal, my main team is Cable(AntiAir)Strom(Her tornado assist that goes upwards)and Capcom(antiair), I really need some strats on how to get rid of a good sentinal player, he is basically the only one Ive been having problems with lately, just him not magnus or cable or storm but Just that danm Sentinal!!! Posted by GeekBoy on 12:27:2001 11:27 PM: Who does your opponent use? Cause once you tell me that, I can tell you how to counter with the team you have. Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 12:27:2001 11:46 PM: first off, you've got a really good team to beat any sent team. what you have to do is pressure him with storm. your team order should be storm/cable/commando if he uses blackheart/sentinel/commmando just your cable alone eats that team for free. if they start bh have storm play rush down. just play careful against bh's demons. only call out your commando assist AFTER blackheart calls his assist. triangle dash with fierce, storms fierce has good range, always keep bh pressured and throw a lot since he'll be blocking. or if he's smart he'll start trying to catch you off guard with shorts, then triangle dash behind him with rh and crosshim up, since you've got commando assist you should be fine. if they get predictable start hailing. if they start sent, again call commando after he calls his assist.and if he wants to play a good sent he's gonna have to call out his assist. so just pushblock his jb,sh, rh and call commando. try and land storm's infinite on him by triangle dashing with fierce rh or short and start the infinite from there. it is jump in fc rh land jump up sh sh as youre coming down fc rh jump up sh sh as youre coming down fc rh etc, etc... again, rush sents ass down while getting supers. cable ahvbx5 to sent and assist game over. if it's bh/sent/doom again rush down they've got NO quick AAA and even if they did your commando if played smartly will beat theirs. with storm's fierce, it's dont be afraid to use it unless your against doom or a smart cable. her fierce should get doom out of their, then call commando. keep bh or sent blocking and time a typhoon to catch doom's falling body to hail, then doom is almost dead. cable kills bh/sent no problem. if they start doom, commando their assist, and rush doom's shit down. just watch out for his psychic photons and ducking fierce. what team does this sentinel player use? bh/sent/captcommando, bh/sent/cable, sent/cable/commando, storm/sent/bh, storm/sent/commando it really does matter what team AND what order. i dont know if it's another team post it, i dont wanna go into detail with the teams i mentioned previously cause the guy might not even use those teams. if i dont know what team they're using. with sent he can play different depending on who's on his team. mag, blackheart, cable, and spiral pretty much play the same so i can make general strats on how to beat them. but storm sent doom and some cables play very different depending on the assists. late. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 12:28:2001 07:22 AM: I will offer this lame-ass piece of advice: If you can't beat your opponent's team as-is, try for a snapback, and avoid playing against Sent for as much of the match as possible. Who knows, maybe when he comes in you'll be getting a free guardbreak or he will be w/o his best assist, or both. ...and this moderately useful piece of advice: Don't triangle jump over RPs if Sent has meter. You just end up eating a HSF juggle for your trouble. -DFA, king of the obvious Posted by Warlock on 12:28:2001 10:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove I will offer this lame-ass piece of advice: If you can't beat your opponent's team as-is, try for a snapback, and avoid playing against Sent for as much of the match as possible. Who knows, maybe when he comes in you'll be getting a free guardbreak or he will be w/o his best assist, or both. ...and this moderately useful piece of advice: Don't triangle jump over RPs if Sent has meter. You just end up eating a HSF juggle for your trouble. -DFA, king of the obvious that works, but if the sent is good, it probably wouldn't matter anyway right, sent is pretty well equip ( if in the right hands ) to take on and sometimes clean up the rest of the other guys team thats just my opinion, take it or leave it Posted by Icy Mike on 12:28:2001 10:21 AM: Re: I need some anti-Sentinal Tactics please Hrm, your team really gives Sentinal trouble dude. Sentinal's my main character, and that team would give any Sentinal trouble. You could do like someone said, and rush him down with Storm, though good Sentinals will surprise you at how fast they are even up close. I'd say just start cable and trap his fat ass (what am i saying?!?! my hero sentinal...betraying him). That stupid jumping fp XX grenade with cable annoys the shit out of sentinal. He'll wavedash under but just come down with a fk right on top of him, call an assist and jump away. If sentinal does manage to get on top of cable (which good sentinals tend to do) you might want to not call commando in a panic, as sentinal sees this coming, and either times an assist or attack to stuff him (hard) or flies out of reach, then counter calls an assist. Everything sentinal does is AHVB'able except for fpXXflyXXunfly but wtf does that do? If you normal jump and he does it then shoot his ass. He also can't catch a wily Storm too easily, especially with Commando. Just runaway to the skies with fp, floating, airdashing up, build meter, land and hailstorm. If he's chasing you, lightning attack XX lightning storm him. quote: Originally posted by HuStLeMaN17 Iam having a lot of trouble against sentinal, my main team is Cable(AntiAir)Strom(Her tornado assist that goes upwards)and Capcom(antiair), I really need some strats on how to get rid of a good sentinal player, he is basically the only one Ive been having problems with lately, just him not magnus or cable or storm but Just that danm Sentinal!!! Posted by Genghis on 12:28:2001 12:44 PM: If it was only that easy. Contrary to the urban myth that Cable owns Sentinel, it's about 50/50. The match can go either way depending on who guesses wrong or messes up first. The only difference is Cable needs meter to kill Sentinel, while Sentinel can kill Cable with his bare hands. All I have to suggest is pick a team with an assist equipped to kill Sentinel. Commando is the worse against Sentinel, Cammy is best, then Cyclops. Posted by Blackheart2097 on 12:28:2001 06:24 PM: Re: I need some anti-Sentinal Tactics please quote: Originally posted by HuStLeMaN17 Iam having a lot of trouble against sentinal, my main team is Cable(AntiAir)Strom(Her tornado assist that goes upwards)and Capcom(antiair), I really need some strats on how to get rid of a good sentinal player, he is basically the only one Ive been having problems with lately, just him not magnus or cable or storm but Just that danm Sentinal!!! i am really confused because that team OWNS sentinel. i am a expert sentinel and that teams gives sentinel the seconds worst match up besides blackheart,cable,capcom. storm vs. sentinel is a very even fight, as far as storm goes stay right above his head and keep on hitting him with hp's and hk's. if sentinel missed a rocket punch or a HSF then thats a free infinite for storm. as lon as your right above his head with storm. sentinel is a whole lot weaker while storm is right above his head. sentinel fears the infinite that storm does. just do the infinite about 6 times then connect into hail storm. there goes more than half of sentinel's life. y the way if you don't know the infinite it's jump in hp,hk, jump up lk,mk,hp,hk. make sure that you DON'T FLOAT! also make sure that the hk kicks sentinel in his knees. the infinite is rather easy. as far as sentinel v. cable goes i ALMOST agree with genghis. i would say it's for like 40/60 chance for sentinel. cable still has the advantage. but make sure sentinel DOESN'T get you cable into the corner. once sentinel has cable in the corner you might as well press start cause cable is DDDDEEEAAADDD. sentinel is just gonna stomp you to death. IF you are able to jump then sentinel will just grab you, lp,mp rocket punch, grab AGAIN lp,mp rocket and kiss cable goodbye CAUSE HE IS DEAD. you say you have cable with the storm variety right? now you have even a better edge up against sentinel. you can just trap his ass. just do standing fp,fp,fp storm assit, fp viper beam. you can keep on repeating this. this trap pretty kills sentinel. BUT be alert because if you opponent has sentinel, cable, capcom then he can easily counter into cable and do AHVB x3 and kill both you cable and storm! if still pretty shocked that you can't beat sentinel with that team. the only sentinel that should really be giving that team a problem is genghis or alex valles sentinel. other than that you shouldn't have a much of a problem. Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 12:29:2001 04:41 AM: ---EDITED---(saw some crap that didnt make sense) one thing on sent vs cable only a VERY GOOD sent there are probably only 3 very good sents out of like 10 in most arcades. has a 50/50 chance against a good cable. all other sents whether they're average or good, die. a shitty cable still gets wins against a good sent only cause of ahvb. even if youre playing a very good sent, since your team is storm cable commando, it should still be your match. the only way sent can get you is if he has doomAAA or another commando. just dont EVER low block when sent is flying it sounds easy but when sent is rushing you, you'll make a mistake and he'll 35+% damage on your ass off of anything. when youre cable stuck in the corner just pretend to be helpless jump in a little while blocking while he keeps you in the corner, then do a scimitar into sents flying body and your out of the corner. also remember that sent is going to play careful against cable unless he wants to eat 5 ahvb so rush him down with jumping rh and as soon as sent does ANYTHING to try and stop cable ahvb that shit and if you've got no levels make it smart rush down and throw him. but again it depends who sent's assists are, cause it'll make it harder for cable to rush down effectively. also watch out for baiting (fierces, fly unfly) all the stuff i posted will only make it so you can fight against sentinel, he still will rape you quicker than shit if you start playing careless and stupid. and like Ghengis said this is all real easy to say. some real advice is it just takes experience of fighting against sentinel, mag, spiral, storm, or cable all of them; then you'll know what's up because if you want to beat them you'll change your style and order accordingly and it'll all be genuine facts that you know. you'll find yourself squeezing in throws normal air combos just chipping em, anything. i havent fought against strider/doom enough to know anything that's accurate but if i practice against it i'll be sure to remember what's effective and what's not. so just take notes on what works and dont stop there because the next guy using sent will play a completely different way. late. Posted by Courage on 12:29:2001 02:00 PM: Genghis is perfectly correct. This is a school of thought floating around the country that seems to immediately set Sentinel immediately underneath Cable, but the match is much more evenly divided between the two powerhouses than you might expect. No one's discounting the usefulness of Cable with meter's one-short = death. Cable's got some wicked and nasty tools to keep the large Sentinel at bay, but in a fight without assists, fights between these two can be very close and vicious. True, Cable -does- require meter to absolutely destroy Sentinel, but don't discount the possibility of keeping Sentinel away for aeons of time while the hapless mutant killer seeks a better approach vector. Ultimately, though, we come down to the basics. Cable's primary area of control is directly in front of him; he's weak against anyone who has the ability to come from above or below. Fighting Sentinel vs Cable, Cable has a natural tendency to do a jump-back. Cable likes to be in the air fighting Sentinel, in the air, he controls more space, is free from any of Sentinel's hypers, and can build meter at leisure. Naturally, of course, he'll remain on the ground as little as possible; super-jumping backwards, tossing grenades, fiercing, the occasional viper beam, all of these will be done often enough to make any serious Sentinel player sick. Fortunately, you have the tools of Cable's destruction at your disposal. First and foremost, is the easiest and most obvious. Wavedashing to the otherside of the perpetual jumping machine, Cable, and trying to cross him up with launch, or short drones. Getting right underneath him, you can put on the pressure with fly/unfly and mixups of crouching/flying fierces/roundhouses, assorted dps and rps. Even if Cable just jumps right back out, as he is wont to do, 9 times out of 10 he'll just jump backwards again, and if you keep the heat up long enough, you'll have him in the corner, where you can truly dominate. Of course, this is really obvious tactics against a player of the most basic nature. When fighting at high level play, the best bet if obviously to play it safe and wait for golden opportunities. So, knowing now what Sentinel would like to do to beat your Cable, you must realise what your Cable can do to defeat him. No one can ever discount the uses of superjumping plus Fierce punch, with maybe a jab viper beam thrown in for kicks, and the oddly placed grenade. Sentinel players might try and jump and get into the air, where they hope to utilise fly/unfly modes to their fullest advantage, crossing Cable up, staying above him, and building for meter while he is hapless. Do not allow this. Make use, very judiciously, of your jab-psimitar, and make sure all of your viper beams are of the jab variety. Less lag, safer, and giving you more room to do things with the amount of time remaining. Make sure your grenades hit the ground, because they will stay longer and burst later that way. If Sentinel trys to fake you out with a normal jump, remember that you can guard break off of a normal jump: hop into fierce, land XXX AHVB. Serve cold. Basically what you want to do with Cable is pin Sentinel down, because any player worth their salt will never give you that magical moment of AHVB. Don't forget Cable crossups; believe it or not, Nathan Summers does have some pretty sweet little crossups that do not involve the AHVB or any of it's Affiliates. Come down with fierce kicks in the air, mix up with crouching shorts, into fierce XXX AHVB if possible. Stay off the ground and out of controlling HSF drones as much as possible, on the ground, Sentinel can turn the tide of battle in his favor. In the air, though, if you play your cards right and keep Sentinel in front of you, victory will be assured. Posted by BIG BAD MOG on 12:29:2001 08:05 PM: JUST AHVB THAT SHIT!!!!! Posted by Dark-Angel on 12:29:2001 08:10 PM: Just ahvb him or just rushdown its just simple Posted by HuStLeMaN17 on 12:30:2001 02:10 AM: Thank you guys very much for the help, I'll start using storm first Instead of cable, we'll thanks again Ive learned a lot All times are GMT. The time now is 11:57 PM. Show all 13 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.